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Use our experience


Our company helps you to carry out the analysis of the production. We provide professional assistance in drawing a business plan and financial planning.

One of the most important conditions for successful financial management of the company is the analysis of its financial condition. We will help you to navigate: structural analysis of assets and liabilities; analysis of financial vitality; analysis of solvency (liquidity); analysis of the necessary increase of equity capital.

Any investment project requires funds for its implementation, so the fundraising for projects is the main function of our investment activity. It has two main objectives:

  • To provide a stream of cash flows required for the timely execution of the project phases.

  • To establish control over the intended use of financial resources and efficiency of their use.


Kairos Advice AG has the exclusive contract for distribution of high-tech equipment: 

  1. RoboBank is an Interactive ATM (ITM) for all key types of banking operations. Unlike the previous generation of ATMs, it allows you to conduct all types of financial transactions and get the opportunity to get consultation from a remote bank employee.

    2. RoboPharm allows fully automatic selection, prescription analysis and drug dispensing.
Using our terminals increases profitability and security allowing you to quickly expand your network coverage.


In 2017 Kairos Advice AG has purchased and promoted a trust company Kairos Trustees & Advisors AG.


Kairos Trustees & Advisors AG was registered in 1992 as a legal entity with legal domicile within Switzerland, cats as financial intermediary via its affiliation to PolyReg General Self-Regulatory Organization and GSCGI SA (Swiss Association of Independent Financial Advisors). Registration № CH-103.778.113.

Kairos TA provides to its clients the optimization of assets, tailor-made investment solutions with a dedicated personal approach in order to meet changing requirements and world volatility. We aim that our highly effective continuously expanding multi-task team of business specialists and third-party asset managers to work with best practices and state-of-the-art solutions for the benefit of our clients.


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